Express & Excursion Bus Association (EEBA)

Our Mission

The mission of the Express & Excursion Bus Association is - 

To provide, prepare and equip our Members to be world class in express & excursion bus services, always meeting the expectations of the customers.

Our Vision

  • To promote and foster cooperation, understanding between Members.
  • To act as arbitrators or to assist in the settlement of disputes, problems and difficulties arising between Members.
  • To make recommendations to the relevant authorities or bodies in relation to any measurer which may be taken involving the Members.
  • To offer assistance and advice to any interested bodies in connection with the express & excursion bus matters.
  • To set and regulate standards and practices to be maintained by Members so as to establish the highest ethical and disciplinary standards.
  • To organize and/or support training schemes, meetings, discussions, lectures, exhibitions concerned and related to the express & excursion bus industry.
  • To provide a meeting place for its Members.
  • To bring together persons engaged or connected with the express & excursion bus industries so that they may, by cooperation and mutual exchange of ideas and views, advance the interests of the Members and the Association.
  • To affiliate with or become a member of or to enter into agreement with any association, clubs, corporations or organisation which the Association considers to be in the interest of its Members and to make payments out of funds of the Association in respect thereof.
  • To establish, promote, acquire, own and manage companies or business ventures generally relating to the express & excursion bus businesses formed for the purpose of advancing or promoting the objects of the Association and any other business commonly or conveniently carried on in connecting therewith and to dispose of shares and other interest in such companies.
  • To promote express & excursion bus services to and within the region.
  • To play its role in serving the community.
  • Generally to do all things necessary to promote the objects of the Association not specifically provided for.

Contact Us

Tel: +65 8085 6049
Reg No: T03SS0145C

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