Express & Excursion Bus Association (EEBA)

Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) 

The Group Personal Accident Insurance policy provides insurance cover for EEBA members staffs working onboard the express bus/coach. The policy covers the Insured Person while he/she board/alight or working onboard coaches traveling between Singapore and Malaysia.

The Insured Person includes:

a. Drivers, stewards, stewardess, tour leaders and tour guides employed by EEBA members. These include Singaporean and foreign employees who are Malaysian or Chinese Nationals. 

b. All other personnel employed by members of the association comprising mainly tour & travel related agencies and express bus operators who work onboard coach/express bus to different states in Malaysia/Hadyai.

CHUBB Insurance Singapore Limited as the underwriter for the Group Personal Accident Insurance policy will provide insurance cover and benefits as follows.

S/No.Summary of BenefitsSum Insured (S$)
1Accidental Death & Permanent DisablementS$30,000 per Insured Person
2Accidental Medical Reimbursement (AMR)S$3,000 per Insured Person
3Chinese Acupuncturist or Bonesetter or Chiropractor or PhysiotherapistUp to S$750 under AMR
4Burial ExpensesS$2,000 per Insured Person
5Fracture BenefitsUp to S$3,000 per any ONE accident
6Mobility ExpenseUp to S$5,000 per Insured Person
7Ambulance CostUp to S$500 per any ONE accident

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Tel: +65 8085 6049
Reg No: T03SS0145C

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